Teresa Navarro

9th edition (2016): "Youth unemployment: what can we do?"

At FemCAT we believe that the company is society. Improving employment prospects, particularly youth employment, must be a joint objective of all stakeholders. FemCAT Forum, held on 16 November 2016, was the meeting point of several experts who discussed the need to build medium and long term vision on work, society and country we want

The youth unemployment rate in Catalonia is 38%, one of the highest in the EU, where the average rate is 20%. Beyond the consequences of the economic crisis of recent years, structural factors such as mismatches between education and the labor market, the structure of the productive economy and wage conditions were analyzed during the Forum.

Professor José García Montalvo, from the Department of Economics and Business at UPF, made the opening speech “Structural unemployment or youth unemployment.”He was followed by a panel discussion moderated by journalist Antoni Bassas, and attended by the economist Miquel Puig, Vice President of AEDIPE Ricardo Alfaro, Sellbytel Executive President Helena Guardans, Eurofragance CEO Santiago Sabatés, and UGT-Catalonia Youth-Avalot national spokesperson Afra Blanco.

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La problemàtica de l’atur des de la perspectiva del professor José García Montalvo

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